The National Development Agency /NDA/ is established as a government regulatory agency with the aim to ensure the country's economic stability and to develop and implement the integrated socio-economic and investment policy. In accordance with the Sustainable Development Vision of Mongolia, identify leading economic direction and sectors, accurately develop and plan integrated investment policy and concessions, public and private partnership policies, ensure economic security and stability, appropriately strengthen junction of cross-sectorial policies based on human preadaptation, settlement patterns, regional, rural and urban development policies, create a favorable economic environment conducive to ecological balance and human wellbeing, and improve the standard of living of the people.The main operational functions of NDA are:-To develop comprehensive development policy of Mongolia;-To determine the priority sectors of the economy and to develop the tendency of the sectors development;-To develop regional development policy;-To plan and develop main strategy on integrated investment and foreign investment policy and to conduct comprehensive activities to attract and promote foreign direct investment into the country;-To develop policy on public and private partnership/PPP/ and concession and to organize the implementation of concession projects.According to the Investment law of Mongolia, the National Development Agency is state administrative body responsible for foreign direct investment, is directed to develop foreign investment policy and will continuously conduct comprehensive activities for attraction and promotion of foreign direct official website of National Development Agency provides information on main operational functions, economic review, breaking news, projects and programs, laws and legislations, latest information about upcoming events, Investment guidebook and other publications are available for download