Turker Turkoglu

Feasibility and Investment Monitoring Leader at HAVELSAN - Ankara, Ankara, TR

Turker Turkoglu's Contact Details
+90 312 219 57 87
Turker Turkoglu's Company Details
HAVELSAN logo, HAVELSAN contact details


Ankara, Ankara, TR • 3103 Employees

HAVELSAN, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı'na bağlı, savunma ve bilişim sektörlerinde global çözümler sunan bir yazılım ve sistem entegratörü şirkettir. HAVELSAN; komuta kontrol sistemleri, savaş yönetim sistemleri, simülasyon, otonom ve platform yönetim teknolojileri, yönetim bilişim sistemleri, siber güvenlik, anayurt güvenliği ve e-devlet çözümleri geliştirmektedir. HAVELSAN is a software and system integrator company affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, offering global solutions in the defense and information sectors. HAVELSAN; develops command and control systems, war management systems, simulation, autonomous and platform management technologies, management information systems, cyber security, homeland security and e-government solutions.

Management Information Systems Command And Control Systems Cyber Security Homeland Defense E-Government
Details about HAVELSAN
Frequently Asked Questions about Turker Turkoglu
Turker Turkoglu currently works for HAVELSAN.
Turker Turkoglu's role at HAVELSAN is Feasibility and Investment Monitoring Leader.
Turker Turkoglu's email address is ***@havelsan.com.tr. To view Turker Turkoglu's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Turker Turkoglu works in the Aerospace/Defense industry.
Turker Turkoglu's colleagues at HAVELSAN are Sena Ayvaci, Muhammet Telaferoglu, Suat Yardimci, Candan Dogan, Tahir Coskun, Murat Soybakisli, Muzaffer Tural and others.
Turker Turkoglu's phone number is +90 312 219 57 87
See more information about Turker Turkoglu