MEND Thermography provides medical thermography to the Des Moines, Iowa area. We specialize in breast and body imaging. MEND uses the only DITI camera approved for use in clinical applications. We work with health care professionals throughout the state. Contact us for details!Clinical Thermography is just a simple test of physiology that relies on the sympathetic nerve control of skin blood flow and the ability of the sympathetic system to respond and react to pathology anywhere in the body. With this technology, it is possible to detect underlying inflammation, visualize pain, and locate the source of issues. Breast Thermography:Why wait for a tumor to be present to start intervening? Use thermography to detect changes in your breast patterns up to 8-10 years BEFORE a tumor is the size that can be detected by other methods. Thermography looks at the physiology of the breasts, unlike mammography which looks at the anatomy of the breast (will only show a tumor once it is present). Thermography offers the earliest possible indication that breast disease may be forming--all without radiation and without compression! Breast Thermography screens for indications of: tumors of the breast, inflammatory breast cancer, angiogenesis, blood vessel dilation, lymphatic congestion, hormonal imbalance, cysts, fibrocystic breasts, generalized inflammation, and more!