Anchorage massage therapy is finally becoming available for many people as a treatment option that insurance will pay for, and we are driving that development.We trying to become known as the best massage Anchorage has to offer. We are not the biggest yet, but our massage therapy is top quality.Soon everyone will know that Anchorage massage therapy has a name, and that name is RxMedical Massage.We can provide a quick exam in the office, or we can accept a referral from another healthcare professional and get a treatment plan started quickly.There are a great many health issues and conditions that manual therapy (massage) can be used to treat effectively. So many that it would be impossible to list them all. Basically if you have soreness, tenderness, pain, discomfort, stiffness, cramping, stress and/or anxiety, or limited range of motion (to name a few things) we can help. New or old conditions can both benefit.We have some of the best licensed massage therapist that Anchorage has to offer.