Now in its 5th year, Harvest Haus is the leading Oktoberfest event in theWest, promoting traditional Bavarian fare and amplified withcontemporary creative twists.Beyond taste, beyond sight, the harvest season is a time oftogetherness; the celebration of a successful yield and a uniqueopportunity to experience the finest bounty of the year.Farmers, brewers, vintners, chefs and entertainers are at their best -breathing life into what has become one of the most unique immersiveexperiences of the year.Steeped in global history, traditions and culture, Vancouver's immenselypopular Harvest Haus returns and takes root in its exciting new home atthe PNE Forum. Join together in camaraderie, authentic Europeanharvest traditions, sing-a-long favourites and lively theatricality with onesimple goal: merriment to all!