Export Sales at GLOBAL WORLD SYSTEMS CORPORATION - Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Global World Systems is a private business club where the head office is based at :407 Lincoln Rd. 12F Miami – Floride – US 33139. The club has created a revolutionnary financial concept of investements & developments of MLM concepts, protected by itstrademark Ca$hinvest.Ca$hinvest is a concept that leans on investments in Multi Level Marketing (or MLM) companies, to make you earn money, as others systems, such as (banks, stockbroker, insurances), choose to invest in the stock exchange, Real state, Mutual Funds or Savings Plans.Global World Systems invests in the Ca$hinvest financial concept, $430 of the amount of your adhesion to the club.Whether to increase your income or to finance a projet for better living or to bring an additional solution concerning your State Pension, ca$hinvest is a very powerful complemetary solution.