Presidente at AILE Onlus - Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Italian Association - San Giorgio a Cremano, Campania, Italy
A parent who suddenly discovers that his child is suffering from Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis not only experiences the desperation of having to deal with something he does not know and does not understand but above all he experiences the loneliness of a disease that affects only one child per year out of 50,000 new borns. Added to this is the fear of not being able to offer adequate health care because there are still few hospitals specialized in HLH and because there are currently no certain treatments. AILE was created to ensure that the right to health and access to medical care are guaranteed to everyone, regardless of the number of patients suffering from the disease and the economic costs associated with the trials of new drugs, and to support all families struggling with this disease.