An Internationally renowned nonprofit aimed at leveraging technology to create social impact. Currently operational in 8 countries around the world, including India, USA, UK, and Australia, we focus on fostering positive change in society by eradicating technology illiteracy. Led by our sheer belief in the power of technology to revolutionize every sphere of education and society in the future, we aspire to bring technology to the underprivileged children as well. We collaborate with various non profits and NGOs and conduct workshops, seminars and classes in order to educate underprivileged children on various subjects like Digital Literacy, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. This aligns with our mission of bridging the technological gaps prevalent not only in Indian society, but all over the world. Thus, we envision to shape a tech inclusive society where every individual is equipped with the knowledge and skillsets required to thrive in a 21st century technology centered world.