Forex Hacked is a forex robot company that released it's first product back in September of 2009. It has since become one of the leading forces in the automated forex trading industry.In late 2012, Forex Hacked Pro was released bringing the profit potential of our software to an all new level.Doing a quick search online will quickly show you how well our system has been performing. You will find all kinds of customer accounts in profit all over the place.In addition to the robot itself, Forex Hacked provides users access to a community of those who also trade with this robot. This means that users can talk amongst themselves, share information, tips and tricks for getting the best results, and it means they have a direct line to those who created the robot and who monitor its use and continued development. This is a resource that is worth at least as much as the robot, and possibly even more. Having a tool is useful, but having the expert who designed the tool help you refine your use of it is much, much better.