Speed Up ERP is a cloud and mobile-based business process automation systems for companies working in the service sector. It handles workflows from a potential job documented until it is ready for billing. What distinguishes the Speed Up ERP is its tremendous flexibility. We have designed the system so that it can easily adapt to virtually all requests. In fact, you will get your own customized system inside the system.*USER BENEFITS*• Process WorkflowManage the entire workflow process from a potential job for invoicing.• Increase SalesIncrease sales by that communication with clients is accelerated, and by giving them the opportunities to easily create more jobs.• Increase QualityIncrease the quality by monitoring the work of contractors / subcontractors performing and have real-time status of work orders.• Reduce AdministrationReduce administrative costs by automating key functions and by giving field workers the ability to complete even the administration in the field.• DocumentationDocument the work done and send it to the customers.Want to learn more? Please visit us at www.speeduperp.com.