The Center for Innovations in Education is a non-profit organization basedin Baku, Azerbaijan was created as a national NGO that serves as a nationalassociation for parents, teachers, and faculty. We are dedicated to assistingeducators, institutions, policy-makers, advocacy groups, researchers and thegeneral public in improving the quality and efficiency of our education system.CIE advocates for reforms in education and promotes ongoing development foreducation professionals.The Open Society Institute - Assistance Foundation (OSI-AF) assisted in ourestablishment. As our first initiative, CIE managed the early childhood educationprogram, Step by Step (SbS), and the teaching methodology and professionaldevelopment program, Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT). Bothhave become critical tools for reform and debate in education in Azerbaijan.CIE has already been instrumental in establishing programs for inclusiveeducation, pre- and in-service teacher training, education against corruption,community mobilization, active community schools, school improvement, parenteducation and parent advocacy. The organization has also been a pioneer ineducation monitoring and policy studies.