Uma Shetty

Teacher at Amrita Vidyalayam - Kollam, Kerala, India

Uma Shetty's Contact Details
["08242452772","918064558737","0468 2325166","0487 2500162","040 27739898","4806242505","0496-2621460","+91 487 2304244","(04343) 2533560","0484 2801767","022 - 27726150","0471 2493300","08192 226001","04672205462","0490 2357777","(0422) 253 8326","0469 2601813","+91 487 2304000","0487 2361611","04652 270700","04936-240214","0495 2373536","0483 2765373","022-27726150","081 9222 6001","04912520639","04962621460","0821-2341711","04734 255 900","+91 9890 878 686","0831-2443153","+91 8208282448","0487 236 6066","04902358429","6369430894","020-27662573"]
Amrita Vidyalayam
Uma Shetty's Company Details
Amrita Vidyalayam logo, Amrita Vidyalayam contact details

Amrita Vidyalayam

Kollam, Kerala, India • 5001 - 10000 Employees
Education Management

Amrita Vidyalayam is a primary/secondary education company based out of Orumanayoor P.O. Chavakkad, Thrissur, Kerala, India.

Details about Amrita Vidyalayam
Frequently Asked Questions about Uma Shetty
Uma Shetty currently works for Amrita Vidyalayam.
Uma Shetty's role at Amrita Vidyalayam is Teacher.
Uma Shetty's email address is *** To view Uma Shetty's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Uma Shetty works in the Education Management industry.
Uma Shetty's colleagues at Amrita Vidyalayam are Resmy Ramakrishnan, Lovesh Baadkar, Manjunath Raju, Upendra Upendra, Shreya Ganiga, Shanthala Bhat, Namratha Shenoy and others.
Uma Shetty's phone number is ["08242452772","918064558737","0468 2325166","0487 2500162","040 27739898","4806242505","0496-2621460","+91 487 2304244","(04343) 2533560","0484 2801767","022 - 27726150","0471 2493300","08192 226001","04672205462","0490 2357777","(0422) 253 8326","0469 2601813","+91 487 2304000","0487 2361611","04652 270700","04936-240214","0495 2373536","0483 2765373","022-27726150","081 9222 6001","04912520639","04962621460","0821-2341711","04734 255 900","+91 9890 878 686","0831-2443153","+91 8208282448","0487 236 6066","04902358429","6369430894","020-27662573"]
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