Distributed Control System Engineer at Flying Cement Co Ltd - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Flying Cement Company Limited formerly known as Zaman Cement Company Limited was incorporated in December 1992 as a public limited company and is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange. Plant & Capacities• Located in Mangowal, District Khushab on a landarea of 127 acres• Produces Portland Grey Cement based on ‘DryProcess technology'• Single kiln with present installed capacity of 4,000tpd of clinker• Mining area of 4,000 acres allocated by theGovernment for mining of Limestone/ Clay, with a useful life of over 100 years at present consumption rate of 11,700 tpd• Maintaining a credit rating of ‘A-' (Long term) & ‘A2' (Short term) alongwith a ‘Stable' outlook by PACRA