QA/QC OFFICER at Orgabio Manufacturing Sdn Bhd - Kajang Municipal Council, Selangor, Malaysia
Orgabio Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is one of the leading instant beverages ODM / Private Label Manufacturer in Malaysia. Orgabio offers R&D services in order to help our customers to establish a new food quality standards that sets their brand apart in the marketplace. Our customers are predominantly hypermarkets from South East Asia, Asia, Europe and Middle East.Orgabio found in 2006 and headquartered in Beranang, Selangor, recognizes manufacturing processes and policies that are GMP Standards, ISO 22000, HACCP and Halal Certification.康泰食品有限公司是市场上三合一速溶咖啡代工厂的翘楚,已有将近二十年的历史,经验丰富,在国内外享有极高的声誉。康泰一直都是秉持着对质量严控的坚持,全部产品制作都设有全面规范检验流程。除了获得ISO 22000国际安全食品品质标准认证也同时获得马来西亚伊斯兰教发展局的清真食品认证 (Halal)。其他国际认证包括:1)药品生产质量管理规范认证 (Good Manufacturing Practice)2)食品危害分析与关键控制点系统认证 (HACCP)3)马来西亚卫生部的食品安全问责工业认证 (MeSTI)