Umer Azim

Sr. HR Officer at Muslim Aid Pakistan - Islamabad Gpo, Federal Capial &AJK, PK

Umer Azim's Contact Details
+92 333 8885455
Muslim Aid Pakistan
Umer Azim's Company Details
Muslim Aid Pakistan logo, Muslim Aid Pakistan contact details

Muslim Aid Pakistan

Islamabad Gpo, Federal Capial &AJK, PK • 122 Employees

Muslim Aid Pakistan was registered as a local trust (registration number 24340) under the Trust Act of 1882 on September 14, 2005, followed by two addendums dated i.e. 5th August 2008 and 20th October 2013 due to change in the board of trustees attached. The Pakistan country program is an autonomous entity with its own separate mandate which is developed under the approved UN charter and Government of Pakistan’s priorities. Muslim Aid Pakistan’s implementation method focuses on working at a grassroots level to strengthen the localization approach in all its projects including; Water and Sanitation, Education, Health, Income Generation and Emergency Response. The Country Office has held a strong stance on employment, recruiting at all levels, local Pakistani staff only s, supporting job creation for the people of Pakistan. Muslim Aid Pakistan’s Board of Trustees includes professionals with diverse backgrounds. All our interventions are purely based on humanitarian grounds which are designed and implemented with the close consultation of local authorities of the Government of Pakistan. Muslim Aid as an organization has always remained focus to promote the national interest at all forums.

Muslim Aid.Org.Pk Wash Ngo Construction Tender Kpk 2019 Ngos Muslim Aid Pakistan Address Qarardad E Pakistan 23 March 1940 In Urdu
Details about Muslim Aid Pakistan
Frequently Asked Questions about Umer Azim
Umer Azim currently works for Muslim Aid Pakistan.
Umer Azim's role at Muslim Aid Pakistan is Sr. HR Officer.
Umer Azim's email address is *** To view Umer Azim's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Umer Azim works in the Non-Profit industry.
Umer Azim's colleagues at Muslim Aid Pakistan are Saeed Akbar, Sahar Abrar, Sadia Jawad, Muhammad Shafiq, Syed Elahi, Aurang Zeb, Sufyan Muhammad and others.
Umer Azim's phone number is +92 333 8885455
See more information about Umer Azim