We are Unique Talents International. A firm with solid experienced industry members among the field of Human Capital Management. Our services cover areas of Recruitment, HCM Consultations, Interim HR Management, Outsourced HR Management, Mentorship, Coaching, Athletic Recruitment and Academic Recruiting.This statement cost us a lot of brainstorming to visualize our future and what would be the blueprint towards that future and we concluded the following;Our Strategic direction is to grow our business not only in the MENA Region where we started but Globally and this will be an enormous focus on the Unlimited Human Capabilities and Unleash the power inside everyone either we hunt them, or they approached us.As the name says Unique Talents. We find them, we put them on the right track via our tools and we end up win-win.Is it our high standards of dealing with our stakeholders, it could be!Is it our fast delivery of service, may be also!Is it how we enjoy doing our job and see it as our source of joy, most likely!What we are sure of is that we are HUMAN CENTRIC.Combining both the analytical and the creative power in our minds yields a non-stop power of creativity and innovation.Whatever industry you are…Whatever side of the stake you were – Executive, Client, Applicant, Mentor, Mentee, Etc…Whatever Hierarchical level you stand right now…UNIQUE TALENTS will be always the right choice.