UniVac SRL, with headquarters in Paruzzaro (Novara), was born after years of experience in the industrial sector of the vacuum, storage and handling of materials. UniVac has always distinguished itself in the solutions of environmental problems related to industrial cleaning, and in the face of hig increasing demand for solutions that could solve these problems, the UniVac Industrial Vacuum Machines, has studied and implemented a targeted line of suction units dedicated to the sector.UniVac product is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding customers in terms of cleaning, transport and storage of the sucked material.Worldwide, our partners can offer mobile units and centralized vacuum systems with the UniVac brand that meet the latest design technologies in compliance with current regulations and with power ratings from 13 to 175. kW.UniVac vacuum cleaners are of high quality, both design and construction, as they use components of national production and reach the highest levels of reliability, performance and functionality, thanks also to the various test and control checks carried out at our production plant.The large number of UniVac customers around the world, and the varied range of machines proposed for the solution of the several problems, are our best business card.The main features of our products are the following:- Vacuum powdery or humid materials, pneumatic transports, storage in tanks and releasing clean and filtered air- Transport and discharge of the vacuum material avoiding any kind of disposing in the atmosphere