Technology meets CPG best describes HeatGenie™, a revolutionary self-heating solution changing the way people consume hot beverages. HeatGenie's safe, patented technology allows CPG brands the ability to offer ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages that heat themselves in 2 minutes, in single-serving, one-use cans. HeatGenie makes it possible for brands to provide what on-the-go consumers want – hot, delicious coffee, tea, soup, bone broth, hot chocolate, sake and more, anytime anywhere.HeatGenie is the only company able to deliver a solution that is intuitive, safe, fast, compact, recyclable and low cost. The efficient heater integrates into standard beverage cans and allows consumers to enjoy their beverage "hot when they want it" with the twist of the lid.HeatGenie's partnerships with CPG brands around the globe are currently finalizing commercialization and entering the marketplace. The company delivers to brands the most effective solution for consumers who are increasingly looking for innovation, portability and convenience.For more information about HeatGenie, visit