Uriel Martell

Director de arte at Kung Fu Klan - Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico

Uriel Martell's Contact Details
Mexico City,Mexico
Kung Fu Klan
Uriel Martell's Company Details
Kung Fu Klan logo, Kung Fu Klan contact details

Kung Fu Klan

Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico • 24 Employees
Marketing & Advertising

CREDENTIALSwww.kfk.mx/credencialesOUR REELhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zylWSXFm90YOUR PHILOSOPHY Since 2013, we are committed to the development of the entertainment and media industry in Mexico, Latin America, and the rest of the world.Through innovation, our aim is to be a worldwide positioned Klan (group) in order to generate an independent and self-sustaining community that places Mexico as a spearhead in...SERVICESWe meet our customer's needs by reaching clear objectives, meeting deadlines, as well as by understanding budgets through creative processes that include research, strategy, concepts and ideas that are a 100% viable and that we skillfully execute.PRODUCTSWe have created multiple platforms in diverse industries that allow us to experiment with our creative, content, and production teams, while combining their various specialties and without distinguishing between contact points in order to maintain a constant quest for exploration, whilst being focused on people (end users).

Details about Kung Fu Klan
Frequently Asked Questions about Uriel Martell
Uriel Martell currently works for Kung Fu Klan.
Uriel Martell's role at Kung Fu Klan is Director de arte.
Uriel Martell's email address is ***@kfk.mx. To view Uriel Martell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Uriel Martell works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.
Uriel Martell's colleagues at Kung Fu Klan are Ixmael Gutierrez, Jonathan Davalos, Gabi Reyes, Rodrigo Stockder, Romina Salas, Jesica Salazar, Adriana Sanchez and others.
Uriel Martell's phone number is
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