We are presently searching for the perfect people to bring Get Threaded® to people all over the world via our unique and eye catching Get Threaded Brow & Beauty Bars and Salons.Get Threaded is- ‘the only beauty business that truly wows.'Threading has taken off all around the world-in some countries like Iran, no-one ever places wax near their faces.....women all around the world are cottoning on' to this and Get Threaded aims to be the leaders in the provision of threading and other 'as natural as possible' beauty services with one very large point of difference. All Get Threaded franchisees and their staff are certified and undergo accredited training for all our core services. They are true experts in their field and Get Threaded couples this with a service that cannot be matched. We have opportunities for single or multi store franchisees as well as master franchisees. Master franchisees open one (or many stores) in their designated master franchise area and may also market and help other single or multi-store franchisees establish in that area. They then share in the profits from all franchisees in their allocated area.For more information on this exciting franchise opportunity, contact us today, we would love to hear from you!