We're thinking for a new normal. Everything has changed. The world doesn't need another traditional advertising agency. It needs thinking that changes the value creativity brings to business. Like a new agency model with both creative and business minds at the table. We call it Idea Economics. A strategic process that recognises business is being disrupted and the old way of doing marketing needs to change. Idea Economics merges creative thought (imagination, emotions, ideas) with economics (money, statistics, and numbers) to find the best way to meet people's needs. These ideas are new. And while we know being first with an innovative idea is a daunting process, it's not all risk and no safety. The processes we use have a proven track record and are founded on principles as old as time – identifying solutions through investigation and problem-solving. In fact, the risky business is not reimagining how we market to a changing world, but rather assuming the old ways, that haven't changed in 50 years, are going to succeed. Idea Economics has produced updated tools and channels that maximise your spend with innovative solutions that reframe your business proposition because we understand that change brings opportunity. We're building a new country. New rules, different thinking, more heart. Welcome to A Country for Jane.