KMS HR Solutions is a Human Resources Consulting Company located in Delray Beach, Florida created with the purpose of assisting start-ups, emerging organizations, and companies experiencing growth with their human capital management needs. We exist to work with each client and begin our preparation by auditing existing processes, protocols, and procedures and recommend solutions to streamline processes thus maximizing their bottom line. We believe working with clients through very thorough and transparent interactions is key to ensuring each project is completed on time and successfully. We partner with conscious organizations looking to enhance their talent's experience putting their employee's needs front and center. Some of our solutions include Employee Relations, Audits and Compliance, Recruitment and Selection, Organization Development, Payroll Software and HRIS recommendation, Implementation and support, Manual and Culture Book Development, Compensation and Benefits administration, Job Descriptions Development, OnBoarding and OffBoarding Support, DFWP and Background Screening policy implementation and support. Worker's Compensation ManagementStreamlining and Automating processes.