Consultant Naturopath and Medical Consultant at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute - , Maharashtra, India
-- What is KaivalyaDhama ? --Virtually a university of Yoga, with many limbs.-- Spiritual --The Kaivalyadhama Ashram is the spiritual heart and focus of the Institute, and it is under this influence that the various departments does function.--Technical--The Scientific Research Department, to study the quantitative Physiological, Radiological, Psychological, Sportive, Biochemical and Neurological contexts of Yoga.--Archival--The Philosophico Literary Research Department, the qualitative Learned Analysis, Textual, Reconstructive, Bibliographical and Encyclopaedic contexts of Yoga.--Teaching--The Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga andCultural Synthesis, theoric and practicaltraining for Certificate, Diploma, AdvancedTeacher Training, Yoga Therapy and SpecialistCourses for Management Development.--Therapeutic--The Srimati Amolakdevi Tirathram Gupta YogicHospital and Healthcare Centre; Yoga, Diet,Ayurveda and Naturopathy Treatment Centres,all under Medical Supervision.--Spreading the word--The Yoga Mimamsa Press disseminates the Institute's learned output through books, audio visuals, and a quarterly journal.There's nowhere quite like it!