Usifoh Uduiguomen

Lecturer at Auchi Polytechnic - , Edo, Nigeria

Usifoh Uduiguomen's Contact Details
["+234 903 448 8349","+234 806 903 5625","+20 19071411","+234 902 598 5062","+234 57 200 159","+234 57 200 148","+234 905 139 0039","+1 800-123-4567"]
Auchi Polytechnic
Usifoh Uduiguomen's Company Details
Auchi Polytechnic logo, Auchi Polytechnic contact details

Auchi Polytechnic

, Edo, Nigeria • 501 - 1000 Employees
Higher Education

Auchi Polytechnic was founded in 1963, first as a technical college which was a gift of the British government to the then Midwestern Region. It offered courses only up to the Ordinary Diploma level in limited areas of engineering and business. By the seventies, there was a need for skilled manpower at a higher level and in many more disciplines. Thus in 1973, the Bendel State Government upgraded the technical college to a full-fledged polytechnic with the mandate to train skilled manpower up to the Higher National Diploma level in a broad range of engineering, science, environmental studies, business studies and art and design.[2]The extant law establishing it assigned to the institution the task of producing well trained and highly skilled middle level manpower for the national economy in the areas of engineering, applied sciences and technology, environmental studies, management studies, and art and industrial design. In 1994, the Federal Government took over the polytechnic from the Edo State Government.

Details about Auchi Polytechnic
Frequently Asked Questions about Usifoh Uduiguomen
Usifoh Uduiguomen currently works for Auchi Polytechnic.
Usifoh Uduiguomen's role at Auchi Polytechnic is Lecturer.
Usifoh Uduiguomen's email address is *** To view Usifoh Uduiguomen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Usifoh Uduiguomen works in the Higher Education industry.
Usifoh Uduiguomen's colleagues at Auchi Polytechnic are Idemudia Nosakhare, Dan Babaiwa, Okoi Obeten, Onah Kent, Theodora Ogwanighie, Akinola Ogungbemide, Salamat Ibrahim and others.
Usifoh Uduiguomen's phone number is ["+234 903 448 8349","+234 806 903 5625","+20 19071411","+234 902 598 5062","+234 57 200 159","+234 57 200 148","+234 905 139 0039","+1 800-123-4567"]
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