ZDAAS LLC, is located in Baltimore, Maryland, is an IT Software Development and staffing augmentation firm established in 2008.Our Core Capabilities:ZDAAS specializes in providing IT services in four key areas which include the following:1) Technology Services2) Software Solutions & Applications3) Staffing Augmentation 4) Consulting Services What sets ZDAAS apart?ZDAAS offers a core of technology and staffing capabilities which are delivered with precision to meet the client's business needs:• Performance-Based Processes• Client-Relationship Management• Our People – qualified, passionate, and certified as needed• Strategic Mix of Technology and Business SolutionsIT Staffing Services:ZDAAS LLC is offering remarkable services in providing the best resources to IT companies throughout USA. We place primarily contractors/consultants on a time/material basis, although we also fill consulting, right-to-hire and full-time assignments.