We are an ethnically diverse tuition company whose goal is to see our students grow under our tutor's mentorship. What makes us so different from other tuition companies? - We bring in the best of the best, all our tutors are university students who excel in their studies. - We not only bring you tutors who are capable to pass on their knowledge but tutors who are able to mentor, motivate and to guide you through the tough times. Want to become a computer scientist, doctor, lawyer or engineer? - We match you up to our tutor who is completing their course in the degree you want. We've been through it all. - We understand the struggle on confusing concepts, we all have experienced what NCEA was like and now we want to give the support and what we wished we'd have known during College. We aim to not only teach but to also motivate. - All lessons are unique and tailored for the individual student. Tutors will breakdown confusing concepts and explain it in a more relevant and easy to understand way. Tutors will provide insights into the relationship between the concept and the practical use. Tutors will also provide quizzes and mini test to track the student's performance and give feedback. Lessons can take place at your home or in a public library, at a time that is convenient to you. If you are not satisfied with your first lesson, the next one's completely free.