YNI Mission is to provide Neutral Optical Infrastructure for provision of Internet , WiFi , Telephony VoIP, Entertainment IPTV, IP Surveillance and collection of Utility Bill Electricity, Water & Gas. In other words our company provides convergence services for all type of communication protocols such as Ethernet LAN, WiFi, BLE,Sub-1 GHz, 6 LowPAN, LORA,ZIGBEE, and Cellular 2/3/4G & LTE.We provide best services & solution in different types of Industry. Some typical solutions executed in Last span of a decade. These are our tested and well proven services & solutions.1. YNI Smart City 2. YNI Smart Hospitality 3. YNI Smart BMS 4. YNI Smart EV 5. YNI Smart IoT Automation6. YNI Smart Real-Estate7. YNI Smart Village