GT Design & Technologies is, compared to the dinosaurs, still very much in its adolescence...eager, hungry, enthusiastic and effectively able to spin in the upper echelon of the asphalt industry by creating & manufacturing robust, reliable and really remarkable static & mobile asphalt plants. We're young, vibrant, dynamic and ever willing to serve and be of service!AMA-ZING quality & service at an AMAZING price!With a new-fangled twist on the asphalt plants of old, we are at the forefront of cutting edge technologies as we continually deliver our own special brand of distinctive & exceptional service. Mobility being our ace in the hole!We are ever prepared & always eager to work our magic when ever & where ever we can.Every single plant manufactured by our heavily accredited team is engineered and custom built, meeting and exceeding the National Atmospheric Emissions Air Quality Act ACT NO. 39 OF 2004) amended on April 2nd, 2015.Remarkable quality, great product, unbelievable tonnage, consistency, slick mobility and an extraordinary REAL-TIME back-up service WITHOUT the big price tag!Our ‘hakuna matata' is...we'd rather make a dollar a day for the rest of our lives...than make 100 dollars today and let that be that! We are relationship driven and perceive our clients as partners, being ever mindful of their needs. And so it is them, our valued & valuable clients, that have our constant consideration. Truly, we're in it for the long haul and work tirelessly to one day (in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaar off future) hand over our beloved gem of GTDT to our boys Gareth Brian & Tyler Lee – the true origins of the G & the T...GT Design & Technologies | Building Relationships | Building The Future