ARYACELL telecommunication Development Company (private joint stock) was established in 2007 with private sector investment for the purpose of participating in the development of Iran's communication infrastructures. The company aims to use existing capacity of communication and fiber network to develop communication structures and establish high capacity data transit within the country and the region.Aryacell Telecommunications Development (Pvt) is the second largest fiber optic network company in Iran that owns 22000 Km fiber optic network in the country. The company's goal in the first phase of infrastructure development within the country is to pave the way for international bandwidth transmission between border gateways. In this phase more than 20 TIC's international gateways are connected together by Aryacell network which provides the possibility of border to border transmission up to several Tera bits per second using latest OTN 100 gbps technology. This phase is currently in operation and ready to provide service in most international gateways.