WONCA – the World Organization of Family Doctors - is a not-for-profit global organization, which represents over 400,000 family doctors/general practitioners through its member organizations in over 130 countries and territories.WONCA's member organizations work together to improve the quality of life of the peoples of the world by supporting the development of family medicine throughout the world. WONCA is the non-government organization representing family medicine with the World Health Organisation (WHO). The secretariat of WONCA is based in Bangkok.Professor Michael Kidd from Australia is the current president of WONCA. Michael is a family doctor, primary care researcher, medical educator and dean of the faculty of health sciences based at Flinders University in Australia. He is a past president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and a committed advocate for family medicine and primary care. Michael welcomes family doctors from around the world to join this Linked In group and learn about our global organisation and how you can contribute to our work and support your colleagues.