Head Cook-áá ⢠áá£á áá á¢á áá¬áá áááá-á¨á at Mtserlebi Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Khashuri, Shida Kartli, Georgia
"Have you seen the color of the transparent air? That is the sky in my beloved Kvishkheti" - Such would be the words of Galaktion Tabidze, had he lived to this every day. Yes, Galaktioni was also a regular visitor. There was a note in his magic notebook: "Kvishkheti, 1953", which hinted to an upcoming poem about Kvishkheti. Sadly there is not much else known about the matter; Yet whenever heavy eyelids triumph over the tranquility of sleep and Matsminda blows a soft breeze towards the village, everything fills with unsaid words of the king of poetry. And only the few can hear them, as they are masked by the gleaming sounds of trees in the wind...But truly, what is this "transparent air"? What does its transparency mean? Is there something beyond it? Maybe it's just an empty metaphor? Nobody knows for sure, but whoever spent his nights in Kvishkheti at least once, gazed upon the sky and felt the warmth of the sun towering mighty Matsminda, will tell you that this place is filled with genius - thoughts, unwritten tales and ideas..."Transparent air" is nothing but the clarity of the gaze - Life; existence itself in its purest form. Isn't it what transparency means? To be able to see everything as it is? Aren't such moments the only source of inspiration? When an unforgettable second is under your full control and it lasts as long as you wish it to last? Sadly such moments are as rare as air in the Mtatsminda peak.This is why everyone who visits Kvishkheti, is forever blessed with unique inspiration and happiness which in turn, transforms into what we call "art".With Likhi mountain range, Red Bridge, Bulbuli Castle, Mtatsminda mountain, Kvishkheti will always stand as a portal connecting the land to the skies...On the east bank of Likhi mountain range, lies a magical village, which unites the entire country.