Contador general at Heidelberg Center for Latin America - , Región Metropolitana, Chile
Center of Excellence in Research and Teaching of Heidelberg University in Santiago de ChileThe Heidelberg Latin America Centre for postgraduate study and further training in Santiago de Chile was founded in 2001 and officially opened on 9th April 2002.This initiative enables Heidelberg University to pursue its aims of passing on the accumulated knowledge of German research and teaching and to promote scientific co-operation between Germany and Latin America. The centre co-ordinates the activities of Heidelberg University in Latin America and provides a platform for scientific co-operation.The centre is financially supported in these early years by the Ministry for Science, Research and Art in Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The Heidelberg Latin America Centre is run as a society subject to Chilean civil law. Its partners are Heidelberg University, with its corporate funds, and the Unterländer study fund, a public law foundation.