Valerides is a bicylce errand services in Cordillera. The avowed purpose was to support the local farmers and food sellers in the public market by buying directly from them and sending the goods (mainly Cordillera coffee varieties and the famous Baguio vegetables) to friends and referrals in Manila. After a month of the Manila operations, we opened for the locals in Baguio and gave the errands to the local bikers. Registered the thing with DTI Baguio Benguet and they gave the chance to meet with a lot of local entrepreneurs. Registered the thing with the Baguio City Hall and obtained all the necessary permits. All profits from the venture went to the #MAKITAM project and to the Philippine Bamboo Bicycle Touring. Valerides is still continue serving locals and will resuming the Manila thrust very soon... #supportlocal #supportlocalerrand #valerides #bicycleerrand #coffee #strawberry #baguiogoods