Vanaja Zacharopoulos

Upper School Biology teacher at Friends Seminary - New York, NY, US

Vanaja Zacharopoulos's Contact Details
New York, New York
Friends Seminary
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Friends Seminary

New York, NY, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Friends Seminary, the oldest continuous coeducational school in New York City serves nearly 800 college-bound day students, K-12.Friends Seminary educates students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, under the care of the New York Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Through instruction and example, students follow their curiosity and exercise their imaginations as they develop as scholars, artists and athletes. In a community that cultivates the intellect through keen observation, critical thinking and coherent expression, we strive to respond to one another, valuing the single voice as well as the effort to reach consensus. The disciplines of silence, study and service provide the matrix for growth: silence opens us to change; study helps us to know the world; service challenges us to put our values into practice. At Friends Seminary, education occurs within the context of the Quaker belief in the Inner Light – that of God in every person. "Guided by the ideals of integrity, peace, equality and simplicity, and by our commitment to diversity, we do more than prepare students for the world that is: we help them bring about the world that ought to be."**This last sentence is adapted from Faith and Practice: The Book of Discipline of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (1974).

College/University Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education Preschool Child Care Education
Details about Friends Seminary
Frequently Asked Questions about Vanaja Zacharopoulos
Vanaja Zacharopoulos currently works for Friends Seminary.
Vanaja Zacharopoulos's role at Friends Seminary is Upper School Biology teacher.
Vanaja Zacharopoulos's email address is *** To view Vanaja Zacharopoulos's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Vanaja Zacharopoulos works in the College/University industry.
Vanaja Zacharopoulos's colleagues at Friends Seminary are Alisha Clarke, Blair Parker, Colleen Rober, Paula Zamora Gonzalez, Alexandra Gimbel, Isobel Dominqugez, Barrington Kirven and others.
Vanaja Zacharopoulos's phone number is 212-979-5030
See more information about Vanaja Zacharopoulos