Dawson & Rosenthal, P.C. is a firm of experienced insurance litigation attorneys with offices in San Diego and Arizona. We focus on representing insurance policyholders in litigation against their own insurance companies.Because insurance companies write the insurance policies and help create insurance laws through their lobbyists, they have an advantage over their policyholders. Insurance policyholders must have a way to level the playing field, and that is through our courts. Unfortunately, the only way to fight back against an insurance company is through litigation. While any attorney can sue an insurance company, only lawyers experienced in battling these giant companies can navigate the legal traps and hurdles insurance companies place between you and payment of your legitimate claims. We know – we answer a lot of questions from lesser experienced lawyers. In addition to practicing throughout Arizona, Steve Dawson & Anita Rosenthal have represented clients in Indiana, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Vermont, and Oregon, and have provided consultation to others in numerous other states.http://www.dawsonandrosenthal.com/