Founded by Sinologist and China Fashion | Urban Culture groupie Elsbeth van Paridon, coincidentally the editor-in-chief of this little shindig, The China Temper offers a gritty slash grungy look at contemporary China through a fashion-focused lens. Paired with a deep devotion to the nation's underground scene and some sustainable savviness. Catering to anybody and everybody who reads English and/or Chinese, yes -- we cast the net wide, Temper covers all the basics and bases. From China's street style scenery to its budding photographers and internationally renowned designers: We present one hot-hip-happening current collective weaving The New "Made in China" tag. On- and offline!我创建的双语时尚杂志The China Temper,宣传介绍在北京、上海及全中国的有关中国时尚的最新前沿动态,关注并深度挖掘"中国时尚"内涵。迎合中外读者,涵盖时尚基础。从街头风格,到新秀摄影师,到国际知名设计师:Temper迅速捕捉并记录着这场炙手可热的新"中国制造"风潮。Please visit 请查看: