Velara introduces two unique unparalleled products based on the perfect blending of nature & scienceGuided by our principle of 'Let Service to Others be our Highest Calling", Velara's mission is to create a new-generation in relationship marketing that focuses not only the financial aspect of the business but also on our members' physical and mental well beingVelara is built on the foundation of Life Oneness Vitality and Energy (L.O.V.E) and we are achieving unlimited global expansion by offering unique, innovative and science-based products, a fair yet rewarding commission system and a strong vibrant cultureVelara creates a positive and vibrant culture, designed to foster strong connections among our members, which results in high retention rates for our leaders.At Velara, we operate with a clear understanding that our sole reason for existence is to assist our members create a rapid and sustainable path to prosperity.Velara's corporate headquarter is located in the prestigious city of Newport Beach in sunny Southern California