Not-for-profit organization, lead by young people: developing a new generation of socially-conscious global citizens to create positive change.Free For All Foundation's mission is to ensure that children who face barriers to becoming contributing adult citizens are given opportunities to get or keep their life on track with the end goal of graduating high school and becoming a productive member of society. Free for All Foundation's vision is of communities where children who are at risk of losing their way to a productive adulthood can easily find and participate in programs designed to keep them on track. No child who wants help and guidance will be turned away from our programs or support. If we cannot provide adequate support we will help to facilitate appropriate supports for each child who seeks our direction.Our organization is registered and ready to accept donations on our Charity Profile Page through the Canada Helps safe and secure online donation site. Your generous donations will support our organization's mission to support children. We are committed to ensuring access to all Free For All Foundation programs for all children who ask for help – no child will ever be turned away for financial or capacity reasons.