EMR Consultants- Providing solutions to physicians for quick and accurate patient care, increased revenue, complete/accurate patient documentation and to go home on time.EMR Consultants is proud to be a Nuance Certified Dragon VAR, offering Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2, as well as certified training in both Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 and NoteSwift program applications. We offer customized packages for Dragon Medical and NoteSwift programs, as well as complete installation and training; all scheduled to your practice needs. We offer Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 voice recognition software and hardware into medical practices with and without an EHR/EMR. We provide all Dragon Products and Certified Trainers. Beginning November 1 2013, Dragon Purchases with training sessions will receive unlimited support and upgrades to the latest versions as a bundle package for the same cost as the training!Please visit our site at www.contactEMR.com for additional information