Data Specialist, Web & Microsoft Developer at Results For Change - Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa
Looking for ways to improve your organisations performance?Results for Change assists organisations to measure their results to guide strategy and improve delivery. RFC partners Kubi Rama and Vernon Naidoo bring together 25 years of experience in development work and systems engineering. RFC provides cutting edge solutions for project management, measuring results, strategic planning, design and implement research, effective advocacy and communication campaigns.RFC can help you:- Automate systems to improve efficiency and save you time.- Develop and set up websites and profiles on various social media platforms.- Develop automated systems to measure deliverables and impact.- Work with you to develop strategy and implement an effective delivery plan.- Gather, analyse and present large volumes of data in user friendly formats.- Write and edit reports and other publications.Current and past clients include:- Gender Links, a Southern African non-governmental organisation- African Women's Development Fund, an African non-governmental organisation and donor- Alexander Forbes