Vesa Männistö

Chief Controller at R-kioski Oy - 01640 Vantaa, N/A, fi

Vesa Männistö's Contact Details
R-kioski Oy
Vesa Männistö's Company Details
R-kioski Oy logo, R-kioski Oy contact details

R-kioski Oy

01640 Vantaa, N/A, fi • 1000 - 4999 Employees

R-kioski is a franchise driven convenience store chain, which offers its customers food and beverages, as well as wanted everyday goods and services – quickly and conveniently whenever and wherever the customer wants them. R-kioski's personal service and good value-&-quality-for-money exceed customer expectations. R-kioski – quick and convenient. R-kioski is a part of Reitan Convenience and Reitan, and has a nationwide coverage with approx. 480 stores and a brand recognition of 98%.Reitan Convenience comprises R-kioski in Finland, Narvesen in Norway, Latvia and Lithuania, Pressbyrån in Sweden, 7-Eleven in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, YX 7-Eleven in Norway, R-kiosk in Estonia, Lietuvos Spauda in Lithuania, Caffeine Roaster -chain in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway and Denmark and Northland cafés in Norway. Reitan Convenience is the market leader in all seven countries. Reitan Convenience had a turnover of EUR 1,5 billion euros in 2020 and the number of stores was approx. 2 000. Reitan's turnover in 2020 was EUR 10,3 billion euros with 39 400 employees.For all the people in REITAN it is important to be recognized as the most value driven company in Scandinavia. That is our vision. That is what we strive for every day. Our values drive us forward, they define us – they are us. We know where we want to go, but we do not forget where we come from.Our VALUES:1. We Will Fulfill the Company's Business Idea2. We Keep a High Business Moral.3. We Shall Be Dept-Free.4. We Shall Encourage a Winning Culture5. We Shall Think Positively and Proactively6. We Talk With Each Other – Not About Each Other.7. The Customer is Our Ultimate Boss.8. We Shall Have Fun and Be Profitable

Details about R-kioski Oy
Frequently Asked Questions about Vesa Männistö
Vesa Männistö currently works for R-kioski Oy.
Vesa Männistö's role at R-kioski Oy is Chief Controller.
Vesa Männistö's email address is *** To view Vesa Männistö's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Vesa Männistö works in the Retail industry.
Vesa Männistö's colleagues at R-kioski Oy are Zoja Porokara, Eeva-Maria Väänänen, Emmi Forsström, Päivi Sihvo, Tanja Kalske, Kortene Ilkka, Hanna Lankinen and others.
Vesa Männistö's phone number is N/A
See more information about Vesa Männistö