Robopartans Group is a group of organizations developing and integrating software solutions and platforms for end clients and enterprises. We specialize in software development specifically on the Ruby on Rails & Java/Java EE stack with great attention on test automation, unit testing, TDD, BDD, DevOps. Most of our solutions are cloud based, with distributed CDNs serving video content and materials to clients in +50 countries. The security subsidiaries are responsible for conducting IT due diligence and Internet Assets (IA) security audits. Robopartans, as a brand, started as a school of robotics and is a subsidiary from the group building robotics academies for students throughout the world providing organizations with everything they need to build their own schools of robotics. This include platforms, processes, curriculum, training, infrastructure and certification on which organizations can build educational academies in the field of technical science & robotics.Most of the other organizations in the group are local partners from different cities providing services to end clients and business locally.