Welcome to the page for the Enhancing Prevention of Injury and Disability @ Work (EPID@Work) Research Institute! We are the latest research centre installed at Lakehead University. We are committed to the conduct of high quality, transdisciplinary research in the areas of work-related injury and disability prevention with a particular focus on issues relevant to Northwestern Ontario. Our goal is to bring together community and academic individuals to conduct research together. Therefore, we collaborate with community stakeholders to ensure our research is relevant and timely. We also provide exemplary training and experience opportunities for the next generation of transdisciplinary researchers in Northwestern Ontario and beyond. If you are interested in workplace health and safety, please do not hesitate to contact us and get involved in our Institute. EPID@Work has including populations of special interest, musculoskeletal injuries and mental health in the workplace. Please visit our Research page to read more about these areas of focus.We also offer integrated training and consulting services, please feel free contact us if you have a particular need.Please explore our site to find out more about who we are, what we do, and how you can be part of it. We encourage you to contact us at epid.hbsc@lakeheadu.ca and get involved!