Did you know HONORABLE CHARACTER™ is a ready-made tool that aligns with SEL goals and promotes prosocial behaviors in students?The HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Classroom Management System is not a curriculum. It is a simple, affordable tool, best used school-wide. HC provides teachers with a positive framework for a supportive learning environment, strengthening children's social-emotional development and academic-behavioral performance. All too often, character education is limited to telling stories about imaginary people who show qualities of good character. While those kinds of stories are good, HONORABLE CHARACTER™ chooses a different approach. In the HONORABLE CHARACTER™ system, the child is the story…the living model who becomes the example of good character. A real-life story with a happy ending!This award-winning, time-tested behavioral management system aligns with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) goals and promotes prosocial behaviors in students. This ready-made tool meets the needs of Review 360, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and behavioral Response to Intervention (RTI). To learn more about how our HONORABLE CHARACTER™ system can help you and your school build character and transform the hearts of your students, teachers, and parents, email us at... ► Info@HonorableCharacter.com or call 866-416-5043