The Dream Team: Family Supports, L.L.C. is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive and positive environment to consumers based on individual wants, needs and dreams. We want consumers to enjoy being active citizens in an ever changing society. Our staff will strive for excellence while assisting consumers to excel beyond expectations and limitations others may have placed on them.Our Core Values:It shall be the policy of The Dream Team. Programs to be governed by the following lifestyle core values;1. Direct support professionals, contractors, employees or agents should possess an in-depth knowledge of people, perspectives and reactions.2. Person centered services will be provided to achieve community presence, community participation and relationship building and those that foster choice, respect and competence.3. Respect and acceptance of individual differences and differences in family dynamics and composition.4. Cultural background is acknowledged and valued in all decisions.5. Services will be delivered as defined by the individual's wishes/desires or their chosen representative.6. Provide service choices that are dependable and flexible.7. Services should address immediate needs, future dreams and be able to accommodate the occurrence of life changes, new opportunities or obstacles.8. A lifestyle that is composed of the same factors and relationships that is important to all individuals regardless of circumstance.9. The individual's basic needs are met and he/she have the same opportunities as anyone else to pursue and achieve goals in the major life settings of home, community, school and work.10. The individual is empowered and participates in decisions that affect their lives.11. The individual enjoys acceptance and full integration into their local community.12. Flexibility and the ability to creatively handle obstacles or interruptions is an important component of a successful lifestyle plan