Jomati Consultants LLP ( is a leading UK-based international management consultancy specialising in the legal profession. Its consultants have held worldwide level senior roles in law firm management, as general counsel and as providers of financial advice and services towards law firms.Jomati is able to provide a service around the world. Previous engagements have included law firms, barristers chambers and in-house teams in the UK, USA, Continental Europe and Asia Pacific. Jomati is a founder member of Altman Weil Global the first global legal consultancy and regularly works with it's member firms on client engagements. Jomati also has a significant research capability. In addition, Jomati principal,Tony Williams, acts as a mediator in relation to partnership disputes and provides expert evidence in relation to law firms and partnership matters.Jomati's services are designed to support law firms, barristers chambers and in-house legal departments. Its approach is practical and realistic, working hand in hand with fellow professionals on achieving the best for their organisations and their people.Jomati is also publishing a series of reports on key legal issues, the most recent are: June 2013 - ‘Turning Point: Offshore Law Firms in a Changing World'.May 2013 - ‘Global Balance: Law, BRICs and the Developing World'.If you would like a copy of these or any other reports then please email Jomati principal, Tony Williams,