Be at a school that inspires. A place that wants you to succeed. A place that gives you the confidence to believe in yourself, and gives you the skills and knowledge to make your mark on the world. With us behind you, who knows what you could achieve? Be a scientist. Be an architect, a politician or an entrepreneur. Be an Olympic Champion, an artist or a musician. At Abbey Gate College, we want you to Be Someone.We are the longest running, independent, co-educational school for pupils aged 4 to 18 in Chester. The locations of both our junior and senior departments in neighbouring villages , provide pupils with a feeling of space to help them develop academically and personally.We listen to our pupils. We value them and teach them to value themselves. We celebrate success and encourage endeavour. So they leave us bright, well-rounded and with a love for learning.Your child can be the best they can be at Abbey Gate College. Why not come and see us in action? Make an appointment for a personalised tour of our stunning buildings, grounds and facilities, meet our dedicated staff and find out how we can inspire your child to reach their full potential.