Kids Matter aims to bring sustainable change in family life in hard-to-reach communities by equipping churches to empower parents with the skills to build strong relationships with their children.Our vision is to equip the church to empower parents and caregivers facing disadvantages to develop confidence and parenting skills necessary for well-functioning family life. We do this through training and preparing front line church and Christian community leaders to run our relational, evidence-based Kids Matter parenting programme.We envisage hundreds of small parenting groups meeting in local communities all over the country, learning how to strengthen their families and supporting one another in doing so.Why through the local Church?The local church is uniquely positioned to reach parents and caregivers facing adversity in their communities because of its large volunteer base and mission oriented purpose.Want to partner with us?If you share our vision for equipping parents and caregivers with the skills to build strong relationships within their families, we'd love to be in touch.