The future of Socially responsible FinTech driven by Software as a Service for users who want more than just an online current account.The Saurus platform is aiming to make use of different commercial brands suitable for the different future regions where we intend to operate in.Also, a 3rd party major brand endorsed part of the licensed patent technology that we aim to use in our App software, demonstrating that our platform is aimed to be ready to scale by releasing commercially also aWIFI technology SDK inside the APP as was have done in past by our Co-Founders CEO and CTO inside the app of a franchise of Dunkin Donuts covering the whole region of Spain, called Dunkin Coffee. Future Saurus App users of Android smartphones are aimed to have the possibility to access crowd-sourced internet from nearby Saurus App smartphone users and from WIFIs on the Saurus platform.A key feature, that Saurus licensed is cutting edge technology, which is aimed to allow our Social Fintech App users to transfer instantly money contactless between 2 nearby users by simply entering the amount and Bumping theirphones back to back to each other till they vibrate!