Bagestå is a European/Scandinavian version of a baking steel - a pizza stone made of steel. From day one, our main focus has been offering a high quality product at a low price, aiming at having a product that would in fact sell itself by means of the word spreading from mouth to mouth.Bagestålet being a product that could still be considered a secret known by the few, the potential is considered huge for the coming years.Bagestålet has a market share of about 90% on the danish market (Summer 2016).The company started out as a part time online store, but quickly showed signs of great potential. As a result of this, the danish limited company Bagestålet ApS, was founded early 2016, owned by the company Kernefamilien ApS, which is a family owned holding company.The company is run by Brian and Tina Wolter, and products are distributed on a daily basis by a fulfillment partner based in Brøndby, Copenhagen.